My Recipes

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Valentine Tea Towel finished and SNOW!

And it is up in my Etsy shop ! I decided to leave it alone, without adding anything more stitching.  I have another one similar in mind, so maybe I'll try it there.

Along with this....

My "Little Flower" Stroller set          
It was a great morning ...I got to sit and have my latte with some of this stuff...

My  new machine !
Sometimes a bit of credit card debit can get you these things called "reward points" and you can get one of these! Heehee

Have a great weekend !

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wip let love in & vintage day

The towel is almost done..I am obsessing if it needs more. I added a crochet trim, as adding a fabric border just looked to busy. I am now wondering if it needs some stitching around the hearts. Here's a look..
here it is pre-sewn

I have been dying to use this yarn "seduce " by Berroco

So what do you think? I'll give it one more day of thought.

On another note, my mother gave me more of my baby things. This one is my favorite, isn't it sweet!

I guess I am considered vintage now (41)!! Well I am feeling it this week and because of this my 19 yr. old daughter gave me these today...
Isn't she SWEET!
Hope you are experiencing some sweetness today.
love and peace 

Let love In

“Hate is too big of burden to bear. I have decided to love."

Martin Luther King jr.

Most of us as humans have become hardened throughout our lifetime

Like that  ice cream condiment, you know the hard shell one, that you dip the ice cream ... that starts off soft and becomes hard as the outside elements hit it hiding the soft delicious ice cream underneath. Yes, it does add some taste but it's not the good stuff!

  We have to bite into it break it apart to get to that yummy soft ice cream. 

Yup ..that's the good stuff right there!! My youngest in Italy, 3 yrs ago eating Gelato !

This hardening often happens without even knowing it,  It is just what life does. As we make our journey we pick up attachments, fears, identities, anxieties, and conditions that mold us into who we become. Some of these are good and some, well I don't want to say bad, but they harden us. Creating a shell of protection. Sometimes this is necessary for our emotional survival in life. Cause let's face it life can be tough. We pick up a lot along the way. As this happens our true "self" gets burdened.

I often notice how hard or closed off I am when I am driving. There I am, just driving along, thinking all is well and then I notice the white knuckles of my hands gripping the heck out of that steering  wheel. It is a key sign that I need to do an internal check in of my mind. I look for all the places or thoughts that are hardening me, closing me up and making me heavy and becoming burdened, 

The quote above reminds me off this ...of all the heavy or burdening thoughts I can tend to hold onto and carry..Oh how heavy I feel some days! I wouldn't say they are all negative ..but think of it ( another example ) as a heavy hand bag carrying a bunch of "stuff" that we may have once needed and are finished with but still carrying. When we finally notice and say " Wow how did this get so heavy" and clean it out we are surprised at how light and soft it feels... 

In yoga one of the first cues in class is to become soft, put down the mind stuff and open up and become soft . This does not happen instantly ..TRUST ME!! It takes constant reminders and internal "check ins" Yet if we remember a few ques it may help...Open...Soften...and Let Love ...In  and watch that hard shell melt away or that heavy handbag become light and reveal our true nature. A nature that I believe is open and full of LOVE

So here is my creative inspiration this week...

work in progress embroidered  tea towel
I just love this print...sweet isn't it?

 I need to finish the applique and add some fabric or crochet trim. Perfect for Valentines Day!

 and I finally got some of that winter weather i have been longing for!

It's not much but I will take it !  

 Peace and Love





Friday, January 18, 2013

Where is winter ???? and a frosty giveaway!

Hello Hello,, where are you winter ? I was so looking forward to the supposedly hard Winter we are forecast-ed to have ? It's been rather gloomy in Nj with lots of rain and rather warm temps. 
My gloomy backyard
 What is going on !? The wood pile is stacked ready, sweaters are out of storage and waiting and so am I!

I know some people think I am crazy but I love the winter, I love the stillness, I love the frosty air, I love the winter sky during the full moon. The luster it gives the landscape below. There is such a mediative quality to Winter. I love the fact that it is time to withdraw a bit into a semi hibernation . It's a time to regroup, rest and prepare for the Spring renewal.

Speaking of which, it totally bothers me ( yes I said totally ..something my 5 yr old is into saying these days) that the minute New Years passes all you see and here about is Spring . Winter just started about 3 weeks ago seriously..totally ?

 Well as they say if you want something done, you just have to do it yourself . So the other day I made some snowflakes of my own. Take a look...

I went with the very popular pink and teal color scheme.
I love to hang these in my windows

All three as part of my monthly giveaway
To go with the snowflakes I made my Rustic Minestrone soup, Winter may not be here but the flu season is ..This soup is packed with nutrients!
Rustic Minestrone soup
Olive oil
1 large onion
1 cup carrots sliced
4 stalks celery sliced 
1 head cauliflower cut into florets ( keep them on the big side they will fall apart)
2 bunches Kale 
1 cup cooked Farro ( this is like an Italian barely , so you can substitute with barely if you can't find it) 
4 cups broth ( I used Imagine "no chicken" broth ) veggie or chicken 
1can whole tomatoes 

Cover bottom of soup pot with olive oil , add onion sauté a few minutes then add carrots and celery . 
Sauté another five minutes. Add the cauliflower cook another few minutes . You want to give all the vegetables time to "sweat " in the pan . Add the broth , tomatoes and salt and pepper .Cook for about 30 minutes.

Meanwhile cook the Farro or barely as directed on package. Drain when finished.

Back to the soup ... Add the Kale and cook about another 10 to 15 minutes ...add the Farro/barley to the soup add sparingly at first because the grains will soak up a lot of the broth as it sits.  Sprinkle with Parmigiano Reggiano cheese if you like . Serve and enjoy!

And if your Winter is lacking snowflakes as well, just leave me a comment and these three snowflakes will be yours to add a bit of sparkle to your window. Part of my giveaway this month.! (i will pick randomly) Also I will have some kits this weekend in my Etsy store as well!

Have a great weekend and be well! 

P.S. just saw the forecast ....some winter temps heading our way ..No snow though :-(

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Holiday 2012 & Happy 2013

Happy New Year! I hope this post find you all well and happy. It was a busy one around here and I am sad to see it go. We had a lot of family time and family visits. I am so sorry to see that when New Years day hits that the celebrations seem to end .  We are right in the middle of the 12 days of Christmas!! What about the Epiphany!! Well our decorations stay up till " Little Christmas" and I am looking to plan a holiday get together next year during this week. Wouldn't it be nice, why don't you join me.

I'm not big on resolutions (me no bueno). Yet I am hoping that the insanely busy fall that sidetracked me has passed and winter will allow me some space to work on this blog and get more into the etsy store !!!

Here is a peak what went on around here...                   
The Santa room

My homemade Caramels with Tahitian Vanilla Sea Salt
My Hubby's Bar
A Christmas Eve dusting ...just perfect
 The Kiddies!!!

my gift tags for the Holiday Tag Along
 More decorations...

Never forget the real reason, love, compassion to all

Wishing you all a wonderful new year filled with light and love!