My Recipes

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Here we go again...Food,Snow & Makings

This weather is reminding  me of  80's pop hits...." Here I go again" by White Snake keeps coming into my head. You see the days are going a little something like this...heavy snow...Snow day( almost everyone in the house works in the public schools so everyone is home and I am cooking)...sick,yes i have mentioned this before) ...1/2 hour of knitting...load the wood stove. Now loop this over and over again for about 2 weeks. I'm not complaining though for this is winter right?? Well thankfully the Olympics are on ...Did you catch that Hockey game this morning!!! USA vs Russia ...all I will say is WOW and I am loving Johnny Weir! How about you ???

Here are some pics of what the days are looking like...

Well we are back to more snow showers and grey skies today. It's a good day to sit and watch the 
Olympics and knit. The house is actually quiet. Before I go though here is the quick and easy potato recipe..

Roasted Potato Disks
  • Organic golden  potatoes 
  • Olive Oil good quality
  • Salt and Pepper or your favorite seasoned salt
Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Slice your potato's a 1/4 inch thick ...oil your baking sheet generously and add potatoes sprinkle with more olive oil and season to your liking. Bake for 20-30 minutes or until tender. You can also sprinkle with a grated cheese as well. Enjoy

Now I know these don't look like anything special but why try ...on a busy week night they are super quick and add some splash to your dish. They take much less time than roasting them in wedges or quarters.

Have a great Presidents Day weekend and stay warm!


Whatever did happen to White Snake ???