My Recipes

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

That's just the way it is...

"Some things will never change". Another 80's song that has inspired my blog post this week. Whether by Bruce Hornsby or Tupac my post isn't as deep and meaningful as their lyrics but the title captures the essence here. From food, family, feathered friends and flora...some things went smoothy and some didn't ...take a look and you'll see what I mean.

I put food in the feeders fore my little birds but the big birds came and ate most...
 On a cold dreary day I needed something to take the edge off. so i made "Self saucing chocolate cakes!
Of course you need some vanilla ice cream no matter how dreary it is outside!!!
  I made my own Garam Masala for my Chick Pea Masala ...out of necessity comes invention...well not invention here but inspiration.
  You can get a boat load of Roses extremely cheap the day after Valentines day!
 I had a surprise70th luncheon for my mother and locked myself out of the house an hour before everyone was to arrive...( my mother with her 3 sisters..they are all over 70 can you believe it!!!)
 And made a garland of Shamrocks cause her birthday is on St. Patrick's day and her name is Pat...
 The Red tail Hawk is trying to eat my little dogs...
 We got more snow on St.Patrick's Day...shouldn't it be Spring!!
 I am hoping this is the last of the last, my birds got completely snowed in this time.
 And if you add some cherry pie filling to devils food cake mix and top it off with your favorite homemade cream cheese frosting you get some really fine Black Forest  cupcakes!

Yup, that's just the way it is around here these days. No matter how you try to be proactive or prepared sometimes it just doesn't matter and things still go awry.
  Rarely do I ever host a party and not prepare all the food however, this time I wanted to sit back and enjoy and had it catered. Figuring it would be less stressful. And you ask "Did it work and was it less stressful?" Well I tell you a big fat NOPE! As I stated I  locked myself out of the house an hour before the party while bringing the food in and completely stressed out, but then started to laugh. Hey at least nothing was cooking in the oven and
Two dozen roses for $24.00 after they were $50.00 the day before....completely ludicrous ...but that's just the way it is...
More snow on St..Patrick's day will this winter never end, but I am  sure I will be screaming when its hot and humid ...but that's just the way I am!!
 Birds trying to eat my dogs and wild turkeys invading my feeders...That's just the way nature is!!
Things that did not go awry...
The Shamrock garland was fun ...I just picked a green fabric and a complementary yellow one for the circles, fused onto a fusible foundation connected it with some velvet ribbon form Anthropolgie that I got on sale after Christmas.
The party was a huge success! I made two new recipes quick easy and delicious and will share them on the next post! A dreamy lemon pie that turned into squares and a one bowl pineapple sheet cake. All I can say is YUM!!
The chocolate mug cakes are from King Arthur flour ...make sure you use the coco they suggest. I used dutch chocolate and it wasn't sweet enough. Next time I will increase the sugar. Delicious the were. The Black Forest cupcakes try it you'll love them trust me and...That's just the way it is!

Next week I have recipes to share and a free crochet pattern for you!
Be well,

PS... I now use any product that Shakira endorses...she is perfection!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Hits & Misses!

This has been a week of  Hits and we go, take a peek...

Hit...SOCK KNITTING!!! my newest addiction!
 Misses....trying to find the right needles to work on...the Addi turbo sock Double Pointed were a bit  to slippery. As much as I love Rowan yarns...their Fine Art sock yarn wasn't my favorite to work with. I found it split easily.
Hit...all the new pretty sock yarn  Misses... all the pretty new sock yarn $$$
 Hit...this picture of Buddha in the snow...Miss more snow!!!
Hit...homemade Madeline's
 Miss...beet cupcakes..looked great but...
Even the deer wouldn't eat them...
Hit..these random pictures...
Miss...these pic and this blog post was delayed about a week due to our annual February respiratory viral infection! My little guy has been sick for almost a month on and off with this and momma has been horribly sleep deprived!

My Madeline recipe is Martha's here...I feel it is tried and true. On my last post I had a picture of my baked oatmeal recipe, some have asked for the recipe it is here.I use blueberries and omit the almonds.I also don't caramelize the bananas and just through the spices right in. The bread above is a quick and really easy  pan bread that whips up quick and easy and great with soups! I use King Arthur's flour recipe but I cant find the is Pillsbury and its pretty much the same except I use olive oil and not Crisco.

OK we have another snow day here today and I have sock knitting to get too! I'm on my second pair YAY! My first pair have already been given away as a gift.

Have a great week,

PS Matthew McConaughey & Jared Leto...NUFF' SAID