My Recipes

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Still on the road...

My dear blog friends if I could ever recommend a way to see this beautiful country of ours it would be to do so via automobile with country music blasting (I was never a fan but when you drive across the U.S. It's just a must!) 
Disclaimer... I only had one of my 5 kids with me so it does make a difference( I would not have done it with more than 2!!)
We drove across to Utah from New Hersey to visit my baby brother and his family. Come see some of the sights below...

Good stuff am I right??? So here is the breakdown.
It took us three days to get there (we were on a schedule)...
Once you get past Pennsylvania  EVERYONE is soooo nice (no judgment here we East Coasters are just a wee bit hard nosed in a good way)...
Missouri's billboards crack me up, fireworks, boots, adult stores, guns and then in between that a spiritual one...
I fell in love with Nebraska yes I said Nebraska...
In Wyoming I saw a cowboy sipping a frapuccino in a Starbucks with enough firearms and ammo strapped to him that he could of taken out the town... My son asked if a Zombie apocalypse was coming ... I asked my brother if it was normal his answer was " Welcome to the Wild West" 
I loved the west ....
You don't go to Utah and not go to a quilt store and a Hobby Lobby... You just don't... Nuff' said ....
We went to Subdance... Robert Redford you done good!!! We saw Don Johnson, he looks amazing!! (Miami Vice soundtrack was going through my head the whole time)... Sundance is a must must see...(best brunch I've ever had!)...
My brother took me hiking somewhere off  
Cottonwood Canyon and picked me wildflowers...sweetest moment...
I finished my Rose City Rollers socks...I love this pattern and think it's a great one for beginners...the instructions are great...
We stopped at a Starbucks whenever we could to collect the "You are here mugs" it was a great way to keep the little guy entertained during the long car rides... Kind of like a scavenger hunt...we got 
11... I can't wait to do a road trip next next summer! 
And of course it was a great visit with my brother and his family. It really was such an amazing experience and blessing <3 
Be Well!