My Recipes

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Summer Celebrations...

We had a good kick off to summer on the solstice...Summer grilling...Summer gardens and Summer birthdays...

Can you say cheese ...yes, the smile above is my oldest daughter Arianna who turned the big 21..and all she wanted was a Carvel ice cream cake and a party with the family bar hopping for her..some of her freinds were a bit bummed about this!!
Can you also say Burrata Cheese...that creamy mozzarella with the gooey center, Oh Yeah that is some good stuff ! It is now my favorite food at the moment.
We are having so much fun with the World Cup and what the menu will be for the games. This Saturday's menu was olive tapenade with Labneh cheese which is a Mediterranean  Kefir yogurt cheese, grilled veggies drizzled with 18 yr old balsamic vinegar and pasta with onions, zucchini, peas and cherry tomatoes sauteed at a very high was something I saw on Anthony Bourdains's Parts Unknown when he was in Israel. Its very good, just a nice quality olive oil, the veggies and I added some Sweet Marjoram and high heat and just keep them moving....Yum! It is my new go to way to cook veggies.
Sunday's menu was pizza on the grill. my favorite dough recipe comes from the book The Italian Baker. I highly recommend this book by Carol Field.
I did not do a good job at wintering my heirloom Dahlia bulbs so I had to reorder from D.Landreth seed company. They are my favorite Heirloom seed house. I love them cause they are a small business..I love their selection and I love just how nice they are...every time I order it is the most pleasant experience. If you garden I highly recommend checking them out. Now I got to get those babies in the ground!
The summer blooms are all starting to put on their show in the garden and indoors my orchid is just a blossoming more and more.
The Crafts...the fabric is for a needle book has some English paper piecing and cross stitch monogram. right now the whole Lavender, Crimson and Honey colored fabrics are making me swoon! I am finishing it up tomorrow and then onto the crochet tutorials for you I swear!!!

How has your summer begun?


  1. I have never had that cheese before. It sounds yummy. The pizzas look so good. A Hau'oli la hanau to your beautiful daughter. And what exciting possibilities for your garden.

  2. My summer has not begun near as excitingly as yours! What fun! A daughter turning 21, great recipes, gardening and sweet!

    1. Thanks Cindy!! Its going to be a busy summer oldest just informed me he is moving out!!! Lots of changes in the works!

  3. Wow this post looks yummy! That pizza looks amazing! A very happy birthday to your beautiful daughter and I hope your summer continues being so awesome :) xx

  4. Thank you Elisabeth ...yes...she is a beauty inside and out!

  5. Great post - gorgeous photos, wonderful people, fascinating food, and intriguing craftiness. I can't wait to see your finished needle book - those fabrics are beautiful!

    1. Thanks so much Amy..sending the needle book out tomorrow ! I received my swap items today wonderful all of them!
