My Recipes

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Summer so far...

It started out like this...favorite summer foods. A yoga retreat in May in the middle of the gorgeous fields below and the sweet flowers and sounds of summer...


It was a very busy spring cleanup after a long cold winter. All of May was graduation party after graduation party. I had everything in order to start my summer gardening. I got the veggie boxes planted...the patio planters planted...the deck all set up...the lawn never looked so good...I finished two swaps I was involved had  been quite busy and WE WERE READY TO START SUMMER and we were off and running! 

Then one evening this huge line of storms came through our area and BAM. All that work was for nothing. Tornado force winds and apparently a few touchdowns came through our area like Godzilla onto Japan!! We lost 5 100 yr. old trees and bushes. The lawn was torn apart by the trees coming down. Days without power and internet... we have a generator to supply us water and a few lights. Thankfully we no one was hurt.  It was actually quite amazing! However our town and neighbors we all worked together to help everyone clean up and remove dangerous hanging branches and such. 

So we are back up and running and have had family visiting for 12 days and it is great...but I am ready to get  back to projects!! The sewing machine is calling my name and the basket of yarn is as well. I started the My Small World Quilt by VeryKerryBerry and I adore it. I haven't gotten extremely far but as you can see above, but this week I will definitely make some progress! The gnome embroidery designed by me was for the mini quilt for KidGiddygnomeswap on Instagram. I adore drawing and stitching up these patterns!

The Sandwich...Tomato, Cucumber and Cheddar with  Basil Mayo:
  • Thin sliced tomato and cucumnber 
  • High quality cheddar cheese sliced as well
  • While grain bread...I use a fresh baked from our local Wholefoods
  • 2 Tbsp.Mayo with 4 or 5 chopped Basil leaves mixed together
  • Salt & Pepper
That's it ...simple quick and perfect for a hot summer day!

So whats next...working on my quilt...and a cross stitch SAL( I'll share more later) and I want to start reading the Outlander books as I was addicted to the series...and really how can you not be with this guy...

You can now wipe away your drool...;-)
Be well, Ming


  1. Wow-wee! Certainly a lot has happened on your end. I'm glad everyone is okay. I'm sorry there was so much damage. Your quilting is so nice and neat. I wish I could learn by your side. Good to see you back. Stay now.

  2. I love your photos!! And I love Jaimie, too!!
